Monday, March 12, 2012

Final long run in the books...

Saturday was my last long run before the crazy adventure I signed up for, the Georgia Marathon. This has been a fun adventure training for it, and meeting great new friends along with getting the miles in! I still can't not believe that in 6 days I can call myself a marathon runner. Words that I never thought would come out of my mouth.
The last month has been somewhat of a challenge...stupid IT Band!! but I have been working very hard on the stretches, exercises, ice, and of course the foam roller! But it has been working...this past Saturday was the first run in a long time that I did not feel the need to curl up in a ball and cry on the side of the road! So it must be working! Let's hope this feeling continues through out the rest of this week and into Sunday (race day)!
Me & Stef after Mercedes trial run
I also have been very lucky through this adventure to have found a great running partner! & now friend!! Now our schedules are totally different, but we have been able to get most of all our long runs ins on Saturday's together. I can say that without meeting her, I would not be on this road trip this weekend to run 26.2!

So this week will be one to relax (at least try) and keep mentally preparing myself for Sunday! As many have told me, I have the training in now its just time to get out there and do!

Finishing 26.2 will be Epic!

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